KeelNut: a user-friendly online store specialized in hardware essentials


Project Description

KeelNut is an innovative online store, thoughtfully designed to cater to the diverse needs of customers seeking hardware essentials such as nails and screws. This user-friendly platform is crafted to provide a seamless and efficient shopping experience for users in search of reliable and quality hardware products.

KeelNut's core functionality is an intuitive admin interface, strategically developed to streamline product management. This interface empowers administrators with the ability to effortlessly add, edit, and remove products, ensuring dynamic control over the platform's product inventory. This feature not only enhances the efficiency of product management but also allows for quick adaptations to changing market demands.

One of the standout features of KeelNut is its smart categorization system. Products are organized into main and subcategories, offering users a convenient way to navigate and locate the specific hardware items they need. This thoughtful categorization ensures a smooth and efficient shopping experience, minimizing the time users spend searching for products.

In addition to facilitating smooth product management and user-friendly navigation, KeelNut incorporates an insightful tracking system within the admin interface. Admins have the ability to monitor user interactions with products, such as who liked or wishlisted specific items. Furthermore, the system provides comprehensive insights into user activity, including user IDs, allowing Admins to gather valuable information about user preferences and engagement.

Overall, KeelNut is not just an online store, it is a thoughtfully designed platform that prioritizes user experience, efficient product management, and valuable insights into user interactions. The project aims to provide a seamless and satisfying online shopping experience for users in search of high-quality hardware essentials.

Why I chose this Project?

The motivation behind KeelNut project stemmed from a real-world scenario. It all began when a friend approached me with a unique business proposition. His father was involved in the hardware tools and materials trade, dealing with products like screws, nails, and nuts. The idea was to transition this business into a digital business for enhanced visibility and sales potential.

As he knows my background in the IT field, my friend contacted me for my advice on the feasibility and cost of taking the business online.

The conversation began with a simple inquiry about the overall cost of transitioning the hardware business into the online business. Seeing an opportunity to not only provide cost estimates but also to offer a fully customized solution, I proposed the idea of creating a web application fully customized to the specific needs of the hardware business.

After outlining the features and showcasing examples of existing websites, the groundwork for KeelNut took shape. I translated the vision into a tangible concept, starting with a rough design sketched on pen and paper. The initial design was then presented, discussed, and refined based on feedback. The positive response to the design served as the green light to move from concept to execution.

The journey from a conceptual conversation to a live web application was marked by collaboration, iterative design, and a commitment to delivering a solution that aligned with the unique requirements of the hardware business. In essence, the choice to build KeelNut was driven by the opportunity to support a local business in expanding its reach and optimizing its operations through the power of a customized and user-friendly online platform.

Key Features:

  • User Authentication
  • User Authorization
  • Search and Filter
  • Responsive Design
  • Progressive Web Application
  • Intuitive Navigation
  • Wishlist Functionality
  • User Feedback and Ratings
  • Toast Notification
  • Functional Reusable Components
  • Admin Panel
  • Inventory Management
  • Smart Categorization
  • Product Catalog
  • Secure Checkout
  • Social Media Integration
  • User Engagement Tracking
  • Visual Charts
  • and much more...

Tech Stack Used:

  • ReactJS
  • MaterialUI

Challenges Faced:

During the development of KeelNut, one challenge that I faced was the implementation of the User Engagement Tracking System. Building a solid system to track user interactions, including likes and wishlists, proved to be tough. The challenge stemmed from the need for real-time updates and seamless integration without compromising user experience. Ensuring that every user action was accurately recorded and reflected in the analytics dashboard demanded meticulous attention to detail. 

This challenge, while demanding, was crucial for providing Admins with meaningful insights into user preferences, ultimately enhancing the platform's ability to tailor offerings to meet customer needs effectively. Overcoming this hurdle not only enriched the User Engagement Tracking System but also contributed to a more refined and user-centric KeelNut experience.

User Interface (UI)

Here are Some of the Snaps to have a quick look:

Routing and Navigation

In the process of developing KeelNut, a key aspect that demanded careful attention was the implementation of a seamless routing and navigation system. The goal was to ensure that users could effortlessly navigate through different sections of the application, whether exploring products, managing their account, or engaging in the checkout process.

The routing strategy was devised to provide clear and intuitive paths for both user and admin interfaces. The code snippet below exemplifies the routing structure established for KeelNut, utilizing the React Router library:
    {/* User Routes */}
    <Route path='/' index element={<HomePage />} />
    <Route path="/login" element={<Login />} />
    <Route path='/register' element={<Register />} />
    <Route path='/Detail/type/:cat/:id' element={<ProductDetail />} />
    <Route path='product/type/:cat' element={<SingleCategory />} />
    <Route path='/cart' element={<Cart />} />
    <Route path='/wishlist' element={<Wishlist />} />
    <Route path='/checkout' element={<CheckoutForm />} />
    <Route path='/update' element={<UpdateDetails />} />
    <Route path='/paymentsuccess' element={<PaymentSuccess />} />
    <Route path='/forgotpassword' element={<ForgotPasswordForm />} />
    <Route path='/user/reset/:id/:token' element={<AddNewPassword />} />

    {/* Admin Routes */}
    <Route path="/admin/login" element={<AdminLogin />} />
    <Route path='/admin/register' element={<AdminRegister />} />
    <Route path='/admin/home' element={<AdminHomePage />} />
    <Route path='/admin/home/user/:id' element={<SingleUserPage />} />
    <Route path='/admin/home/product/:type/:id' element={<SingleProduct />} />
This routing configuration ensures that users can seamlessly move between different sections of the application, from the homepage to specific product details or their user profile. Admins, on the other hand, have dedicated routes for managing user and product information. The React Router library enables a declarative approach to routing, offering a clear and structured way to define the navigation paths within KeelNut.

Public Code Repository:

You can find the source code for KeelNut on GitHub.

Demo Link:

Checkout the Live version preview of KeelNut here: 


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